Texas Vaccine Tracker

Clarifying Pace + Equity in The Texas Vaccine Rollout

By Matt Worthington

August 16, 2021

Texas Vaccine Tracker was designed to use publicly available data from Texas DSHS & CDC to answer common questions about vaccination providers, vaccination pace, and vaccination equity related to the state’s rollout, which started in December. The data was utilized by local policymakers and the general public through daily data updates, print, radio, and broadcast news features.

Traditional right sidebar layout

Texas Vaccine Tracker, built by LBJ’s Data Initiatives

Media Mentions

  • Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R by Kyle E. Walker.

Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R

Posted on:
August 16, 2021
1 minute read, 152 words
Texas Data
See Also:
Texas Connector